
What my clients say about me.


Glen Foreman

CLEAN SLATE | Property and lawn maintenance

We’ve been coaching ten months. Before coaching I didn’t have that many clients, probably about 12 regulars. I was scraping by on $200 a week. It was hard not being able to pay bills, not having any money for myself at the end of the week, and not knowing where the next job would come from. I needed more work. It wasn’t that great. It’s definitely better now. Now I’ve got tonnes of work. I’m averaging 5x more income. Just upgraded a vehicle. 

You see where you want to be but you continue in the rut that you’re in, and then eventually you snap out of it. You think I’ve really got to make a change here or I’m going to drown. There’s a common saying if you’re gonna do what you’ve always done then you’re gonna get what you’ve always got. I was just in that same cycle of doing what I thought was the right thing everytime. And I wasn’t getting anywhere. With the help of coaching it’s made me realise that I have to knuckle down and have a go at trying something different and sticking to that. 

The affirmation statement was quite helpful. The good thing about an affirmation statement is that you can write one for every aspect of your life. That was encouraging for me. It makes you recall why you started business in the first place.  If you don’t have a why then you’re never gonna get your what. Because of coaching I feel like I have more purpose and clarity. I know I feel more confident in what I’m doing and why I’m doing it and where I’m going with it. I feel more confident in where I’m headed, I feel like there’s a clarity of mind. I want to help people. I wanna see people’s lives changed by doing the ordinary.  I would like to see young people be drawn into working alongside me and to be able to make them work ready for any particular occupation they want. 


Josh Moore

Duoplus | Digital Marketing Agency

Before coaching:

When I first started business coaching with Isaac, I was so frantic in the business I didn’t even know how I was going to take an hour out of my schedule each week to attend the coaching session. I was working multiple nights at home each week and some hours on Saturdays too.  I was constantly chasing my tail and didn’t have the results from my business that I was hoping for.


After coaching:

Since having business coaching with Isaac, my business has grown substantially. Our revenue doubled within two years. I have grown my team to 6 staff and we’ve had our most profitable year in business, ever. A huge change personally is that I no longer work in the evenings or weekends!  (Which my wife and kids are very thankful for).  And we changed from renting to owning our own beautiful family home.


The journey:

The biggest initial impact of business coaching was experiencing my mindset shift to really understanding what it takes to grow a business that can work more and more without me. But alongside the mindset shift it is crucial to take consistent action.  The weekly accountability is amazing for pushing me forward to make things better and better and having a coach with an outside perspective and experience is hugely beneficial. 


Why I chose Isaac:

I have known Isaac for a while and saw the huge difference business coaching made for him when he ran his own construction business. After Isaac became a licensed coach with his own coaching business, I was keen to work with him straight away and became one of his first customers. There are plenty of coaches around, but the thing that really impressed me about Isaac is his consistent methodical approach which really gets results.  He has a strong and authentic commitment to family values, and makes each coaching session a great experience.


Action to take:

If anyone is looking to improve their service-based business, I highly recommend getting in touch with Isaac. Making the investment in yourself and your business will reap strong rewards!


Graphic designer

This year I took over the business from my husband. I’m a graphic designer, I can do graphic design work, but taking it on as a business seemed like an overwhelming thing to me. I kinda didn’t have any kind of bearings on it. Now I feel like I’ve got a lot more information and a lot more of an understanding about what my business looks like as a business apart from just doing the actual work. Because I’ve got that understanding I feel like I might not be a big graphic design business right now but I know that’s where I could go down in the future. It’s  just given me a few more tools to be confident with where I’m at and to work with the clients I’ve got it now.

Phil Atwood

a & h motors | mechanics

Before coaching I was quite stressed. Things weren’t looking particularly good. We were propping up the business with our personal funds. We got to the point that if we had to prop up the business one more time we were going to run out of money. I could see the problem and I was working harder to fix it, but it wasn’t fixing it. My wife had told me I needed business coaching, but I was procrastinating.  I could see more and more problems, but I wasn’t doing anything about getting help.

The biggest thing that helped at the start was looking at our money coming in and going out. Reviewing our charge out rates. We were being too nice and when I added it up it was costing thousands every year. Documenting our time to see where everyone’s time was going and where we were losing money so we could put a stop to that. One of the things that has been really good for me is talking about what’s happening in my business and sometimes I’ve heard myself say things about how I run my business and it’s sounded really stupid.  It was like an obvious slap in the face and we’ve recognized it and being able to make improvements.

I’m thinking a lot more like a business owner now.  I still do get drawn back into thinking like a mechanic especially when there is no one else to do a job.I’m feeling pretty good about the future. I’m excited about the progress and seeing things progress more quickly.